Happiness is an illusion

Society seems to be obsessed with the pursuit of happiness. Constantly. At every stage. At every moment. It tends to...

What is the cost of the lives of three kids?

Well, with a global population of seven billion people, give or take a few million, three children does not sound...

The imminent War in which everyone will lose

For the past couple of decades I have been quite firm in my belief that the next great war …...

Let my river be

Recently I have been bitten by the bug of paddling down rivers. And as each day passes by and I...

I am born

u003cimg class=u0022aligncenter size-full wp-image-4853u0022 src=u0022http://chandanlahiri.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/family.jpgu0022 alt=u0022u0022 width=u0022501u0022...

Find your solitude

Being alone is not the same thing as being lonely. I think I read this somewhere many years ago and...


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