It is time to inspire

It has been said that those who forget history are condemned to repeat it. For me, I do not want to forget history, indeed I want to recreate them.

One way to become a dreamer is to read and hear about people who have made a difference in the world. Albeit, I am looking at people in the arena that I enjoy most ... adventure. I will probably never ever be able to replicate most the accomplishments of these people, but hearing their stories can and does make me a better person. These adventurers and explorers believed in their dreams and believed in themselves. They took calculated risks and headed off in a direction few, if any, have ever gone before.

Many of the videos you will see below are from people in the modern world, people who walk this Earth at the same time as we do. With increasing transportation possibilities, better equipment and communications gadgets, and most of the world already mapped and explored, the number of traditional explorers are diminishing very fast. Today we have adventurers, recreating exploits of the past and charting their own course in many cases.

Surround yourselves with positive people. Unfortunately, there are many people ... well wishers and loved ones mainly ... who will tell you that it is stupid, foolhardy, crazy. For these people resort to an ailment called short term memory loss. Hear them out and promptly forget what they told you!

There is no mountain tall enough to climb, no river long enough to paddle, no journey too difficult, no dream too big.

Below is a YouTube playlist of some people who have inspired me over the years. This list is constantly being populated, and I hope the videos give you as much inspiration for life, as they do for me.

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